My Life with Gloria

Quartzsite and the Grand Canyon - January 1, 2019
Desert tour with Lex.
Desert tour with Lex.
Visiting our favorite Australian vendor at Desert Gardens.
Visiting our favorite Australian vendor at Desert Gardens.
Gloria loved the desert.
Gloria loved the desert.
Desert tour with Lex.
Desert tour with Lex.
Gloria with one of the Bad Guys.
Gloria with one of the Bad Guys.
Desert tour with Lex.
Desert tour with Lex.
Gloria meets the beast at Desert Gardens.
Gloria meets the beast at Desert Gardens.
At the hotel en route to the Grand Canyon.
At the hotel en route to the Grand Canyon.
Desert tour with Lex.
Desert tour with Lex.
At the Grand Canyon.
At the Grand Canyon.
Desert tour with Lex.
Desert tour with Lex.
At the Grand Canyon.
At the Grand Canyon.
At the Grand Canyon.
At the Grand Canyon.
Ready to go to the Grand Canyon.
Ready to go to the Grand Canyon.
On the train.
On the train.
With our friends from Jericho Ministries.
With our friends from Jericho Ministries.

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