My Life with Gloria

Other Photos from 2019 - Sometime in 2019
In Helen, Georgia, while visiting deSoto State Park.  Pretty good food here.
In Helen, Georgia, while visiting deSoto State Park. Pretty good food here.
Gloria loved touring in the Arizona desert.
Gloria loved touring in the Arizona desert.
Eating by the camper at Enota Mountain Retreat.
Eating by the camper at Enota Mountain Retreat.
At George & Sarah Mingledorff's 50th wedding anniversary party.
At George & Sarah Mingledorff's 50th wedding anniversary party.
By the fire at Enota Mountain Retreat.
By the fire at Enota Mountain Retreat.
En route to Quartzsite.
En route to Quartzsite.
Waiting to see Three on a String at the Lyric.
Waiting to see Three on a String at the Lyric.

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