My Life with Gloria

Other Photos from 2018 - Sometime in 2018
Ashley and Jonathan fostered a baby boy for a while.  Gloria was ready for a new grandbaby!
Ashley and Jonathan fostered a baby boy for a while. Gloria was ready for a new grandbaby!
Grandparents' Day at Briarwood with "twin" cousins H and C.
Grandparents' Day at Briarwood with "twin" cousins H and C.
Helping Gloria blow out her candles.
Helping Gloria blow out her candles.
On a beer tour in New Hampshire.
On a beer tour in New Hampshire.
Getting ready for my birthday at Enota.
Getting ready for my birthday at Enota.
Checking out Dave & Crystal's new bathroom.
Checking out Dave & Crystal's new bathroom.
At the opening of Jurassic World up in Massachusetts.
At the opening of Jurassic World up in Massachusetts.
Ready for Independence Day fireworks at American Village.
Ready for Independence Day fireworks at American Village.

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