My Life with Gloria

Other Photos from 2016 - Sometime in 2016
With all of Tyler's children.
With all of Tyler's children.
Taking a break from wire wrapping.
Taking a break from wire wrapping.
I don't remember where this photo was taken.
I don't remember where this photo was taken.
With grandson A at EJ's baptism.
With grandson A at EJ's baptism.
On Lake Weiss.
On Lake Weiss.
Going out for our 13th Anniversary.  Why we are at Tyler's house I can't remember.
Going out for our 13th Anniversary. Why we are at Tyler's house I can't remember.
I don't remember where this photo was taken.  But Gloria was the prettiest girl there.
I don't remember where this photo was taken. But Gloria was the prettiest girl there.
They never stop moving!
They never stop moving!
With newest granddaughter EJ.
With newest granddaughter EJ.

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