My Life with Gloria

Other photos from 2014 - January 1, 1970
Gloria with sleeping granddaughter H.
Gloria with sleeping granddaughter H.
Gloria pretending she's a Democrat.
Gloria pretending she's a Democrat.
Trip to the Birmingham Zoo with Ashley's girls.
Trip to the Birmingham Zoo with Ashley's girls.
My smoking hot Honey Bunny; taken at the Local Color Cafe.
My smoking hot Honey Bunny; taken at the Local Color Cafe.
Gloria teaching the girls how to cook.
Gloria teaching the girls how to cook.
My birthday?
My birthday?
Gloria playing with dinosaur A.
Gloria playing with dinosaur A.
Gloria at the zoo with granddaughter H.
Gloria at the zoo with granddaughter H.
Gloria playing with grandson A.
Gloria playing with grandson A.
Me with my smoking hot Honey Bunny; taken at the Local Color Cafe.
Me with my smoking hot Honey Bunny; taken at the Local Color Cafe.

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