My Life with Gloria

Other Photos from 2005 - sometime in 2005
Gloria demonstrating wire wrapping at the club show at Tannehill State Park on June 4.
Gloria demonstrating wire wrapping at the club show at Tannehill State Park on June 4.
Tyler received his PhD in inorganic chemistry on August 8.
Tyler received his PhD in inorganic chemistry on August 8.
This photograph was taken at Ashley's wedding reception on August 6.
This photograph was taken at Ashley's wedding reception on August 6.
Thanksgiving 2005.
Thanksgiving 2005.
Tyler received his PhD in inorganic chemistry on August 8. Gloria was so proud of him; you can see it on her face.
Tyler received his PhD in inorganic chemistry on August 8. Gloria was so proud of him; you can see it on her face.
We had the old quail house and many trees taken down in January 2005 to make room for a garden.  Gloria was pleased.
We had the old quail house and many trees taken down in January 2005 to make room for a garden. Gloria was pleased.

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