My Life with Gloria

Our wedding - October 18, 2003
Gloria and I were married in Panama City Beach, Florida. Her brother Jimmie performed the ceremony. In attendance were Gloria's parents, Millard and Edna Spikes, and Jimmie's wife Freida.
First kiss!
First kiss!
Gloria relaxing in the sun bring patient while her new husband took photos.
Gloria relaxing in the sun bring patient while her new husband took photos.
Cutting the wedding cake.
Cutting the wedding cake.
This is the condo at which we stayed.
This is the condo at which we stayed.
Dinner at eight.
Dinner at eight.
Newly married and enjoying the weather.
Newly married and enjoying the weather.
We were sure happy that day.
We were sure happy that day.
With Gloria's parents, Rev. Millard and Edna Spikes.
With Gloria's parents, Rev. Millard and Edna Spikes.
At the beach.
At the beach.
I think we were a good-looking couple!
I think we were a good-looking couple!
Rev. Jimmie Spikes reading the vows.
Rev. Jimmie Spikes reading the vows.
Gloria ready for dinner.
Gloria ready for dinner.
We looked good.
We looked good.
My bathing beauty.
My bathing beauty.
Closer view.  These photos are scans of small photographs!
Closer view. These photos are scans of small photographs!
Before the wedding (I think).
Before the wedding (I think).
Rev. Jimmie Spikes reading the vows.
Rev. Jimmie Spikes reading the vows.

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